Luckily, Matt’s love life is not my concern. What is my concern, however, is getting to the venue 30 minutes before the show starts, set up, shoot, break it all down before crowds pack the place.

You might remember comedian Matt Rife from NBC’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Already planning a trip to Austin, TX, I hopped online and searched what was happening the same time I’d be in town. The car will already be packed with equipment, so if I can find something else to photograph, I’ll be fully prepared.

After 5 minutes on Google, and checking out the clearance items on HelloKitty.com, I saw comedian Matt Rife will be in town performing at Vulcan Gas Company in downtown Austin. Matt is best known for his residency on MTV’s Wild ‘N Out and most recently, NBC’s Bring The Funny, but quickly becoming a comedic force with the help of Tik Tok.

Matt was more than willing to let us crash his pre-show routine.

My son Nicholas fills in as lighting test model, and doing a bangin’ job.

My son Nicholas fills in as lighting test model, and doing a bangin’ job.

We needed to show up at Vulcan Gas Company as soon as the doors open to race inside and find the right spot to shoot. Originally, I was looking for an open space to set up a 6 foot wide background. As I was putting up the background, I couldn’t keep my eyes off the lights on the venue’s wall. From where I put up the background, I had a perfect perspective to shoot Matt through the VIP section barriers. After using Nicholas as a light test model, I realized THIS is the shot I really needed to focus on.

As soon as Matt arrived, we only had 15 minutes to shoot, pack up, and get the hell out of there before the audience files in. Matt shows up, and pops out from behind the background armed with a big grin and opening act, Cris Sosa. With very little fanfare, I ushered Matt to the duct taped couch patrons have no problem paying a premium price in which to sit. After the first exposure, I knew we had something special.

The lights on the wall, the lines of the barrier, even the color scheme of Matt’s shirt had all the markings of an image I can show to ex-girlfriends to make them jealous.

Grabbed a quick shot of fellow comedians Cris and Matt directly after the VIP section set up. You can see the barrier I shot through on the far right , 2/3 down. All I had to do was swivel the light to get both shots.

Grabbed a quick shot of fellow comedians Cris and Matt directly after the VIP section set up. You can see the barrier I shot through on the far right , 2/3 down. All I had to do was swivel the light to get both shots.

Nicholas was on stop watch detail and we spent more time than allotted on photos, luckily I quickly made friends with Brandon, the head of security, who gave us some slack. I promised to shoot and scoot within 15 minutes. With the extra time, I pulled out an adult small Everything Is Bigger In Texas tshirt, handed to Matt, he quickly changed, we shot a handful of photos, then I asked him to rip it off. His concern was that he wouldn’t be able to, as a result, and I’m paraphrasing, “look like a bitch.” It didn’t take much coercing on my part and he proceed to rip off his shirt with little effort. Thus making me the most popular of guy friends to all my gal friends.

Matt was so accommodating with his time, not to mention a super nice guy, and seemed genuinely appreciative that I took the time to photograph him.

I am the one who is genuinely appreciative.

Matt Rife and the boy.

You can check out Matt Rife’s amazing special, ONLY FANS, on YouTube! The man is as funny as he is handsome. Come for the jawline, stay for the punchline.